Friday, February 12, 2010


Well there's not a whole lot new and excting going on these days. Been busy with work, planning for the wedding and building the official ZS Guide Services website. Have been dealing with a knee injury for the past few months that has kept me somewhat limited on my outings, the few times I have been out on the ice has produced some fish here and there for me, I've hit the river a couple times with little success as of late. The fishing in the river systems is going to pick up soon, the die hard ice fisherman in me really hates to say I am ready for the warmer weather, but I am. I am ready for ice out and the spring runs to start, usually these next couple weeks during a warm up, the Huron river Walleye runs starts trickling in along with the early spring Steelhead run. A few weeks from now the rivers up north are going to be getting their annual pushes of the same and I hope to be there, guiding a client to some really nice fish. Do me a favor and check out the site @ let me know what you think, check the forums often for updated fishing conditions and reports from around the state. J is really doing an awesome job with the site and things seem like they're rolling right along in me getting this thing up and rolling.

hope to write something new soon!
good luck and tight lines!