Monday, March 30, 2009

Report from 3/26pm into 3/27am

Got down to Flat Rock Thursday night, met up with Jay, he had already been fishing most of the day and had caught a lot of fish during the day, but I conned him into coming back for the late night/early am fish. We were down there to chase chrome, but a lot of incidental Walleye catches were had. I got down there around 11:30 and started to fish, Jay was catching some, but it took me a while to get my first eye landed, started off with flies as always, but ended up switching to crank baits, ended up sticking with a yellow perch patterned hot n' tot.

My first one was a little guy about 20 inches or so, would've been a great meal fish if i could've kept him. Every fish after that was no smaller than 25" and all males with the exception of one very nice, female, she went 32" and around 8lbs, definately a beauty. They all went back in to spawn and fight again another day.
I might try and get down to the river tomorrow night after work, not too sure yet, gotta see how everything is going.
good luck, tight lines.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wow! It's definately been a while!

Well, I was finally able to get out and wet a line once again this past weekend, due to school, work schedule, and other things, I haven't been able to get out in over a month! I was definately going through withdrawls. Anyways, managed to hit the Huron for about an hour and a half Saturday afternoon, hooked into something for about 5 seconds before it shook me off, I was running a black ESL at the time. Seen a couple suckers caught along with some shad, no eyes or chromers.

Got down to an unmentionable location last night for about 2 hours before dark with tree to go after some perch, well after getting there and dipping some minnows, we were able to fish and land 10 perch between the two of us, all in the 10" range, in the freezer they went! i'll be back down there Thursday morning and back on the Huron after work Wednesday night if all goes well.

sorry, no pics to post, hardly had enough gear in the truck for saturday as it was, and forgot it sunday.

good luck to all, tight lines!