Monday, March 30, 2009

Report from 3/26pm into 3/27am

Got down to Flat Rock Thursday night, met up with Jay, he had already been fishing most of the day and had caught a lot of fish during the day, but I conned him into coming back for the late night/early am fish. We were down there to chase chrome, but a lot of incidental Walleye catches were had. I got down there around 11:30 and started to fish, Jay was catching some, but it took me a while to get my first eye landed, started off with flies as always, but ended up switching to crank baits, ended up sticking with a yellow perch patterned hot n' tot.

My first one was a little guy about 20 inches or so, would've been a great meal fish if i could've kept him. Every fish after that was no smaller than 25" and all males with the exception of one very nice, female, she went 32" and around 8lbs, definately a beauty. They all went back in to spawn and fight again another day.
I might try and get down to the river tomorrow night after work, not too sure yet, gotta see how everything is going.
good luck, tight lines.

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