Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Small Game Season Opener

It's finally upon us! yesterday kicked off the small game season opener here in Michigan. Dave and I headed out early yesterday morning, Roussos met up with us for a bit. As usual I led the walk down the trails, Dave says it's because I am a good point man...maybe, but I say it is because I walk too fast for his liking and would end up ahead of him anyways. We only ended up taking three squirrels, but all three were taken in a memorable fashion.

The first one was a shot of a distance that I would have been leary of taking with the .22, I seen the little grey on a log about 60+/- yards out. As I lit off both barrels out of my 1889 remington double barrel, the 70 or so year old Remington shur-shot paper rounds deployed as expected, and away ran the squirrel, away and away and away... I seen what tree the grey appeared to run up the back side of, so I began to make my way down to the tree as Dave skirted around the other way. Upon reaching the base of the tree, I looked and there he was, lying at the base of the tree on his back. I reched down and picked up the squirrel and took a close look at it, ONE number 8 bb made it through the right hand side ribs of the bushy tailed tree rat, and it was enough to put an end to his life and take away a little space in my freezer. First squirrel kill of the year!

We continued on, coming up a slight hill I saw one grey off to my right about 30 yards, I zipped over for a better angle. When doing so I noticed there were two squirrels chasing eachother around back and forth. I raised the double barrel, waited, said to myself "line up! line up!" and as soon as they both crossed over the same path in front of my shotgun again, I let it rip. Let one barrel off like a normal person, not like the first one I had shot erlier. Well, that one shot took out both squirrels at once! My first squirrel double, none of us had ever seen it happen before. you might not be able to kill two birds with one stone, but one can kill two squirrels with one 12guage number 8 round.

We continued on for the rest of the day, Roussos had left for work, Dave and I kept on going. Andy and his buddy Jeff showed up in the late afternoon, nothing else was killed, but a good time was definately had and memories were definately made and that's all that matters.
My dreams of being able to get up and go salmon fishing a lot this year definately hasn't panned out, but i'll live. Early firearm deer season starts tomorrow, Andy and I are heading out to Stockbridge for the evening hunt with hopes of filling our freezers full of ven early this year.

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