Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The past couple weeks...

Well... The past couple of weeks have been busy, busy with work and all my testing and certifications, busy with school, busy shooting up north to visit grampa, who by the way is doing much better and is coming home this friday! Also been busy trying to do the whole spring cleaning thing around the house and yard here. Been tying a lot of flies/streamers, and working on an old rod resto for my dad as well. I have managed to get out and do a little bit of fishing during all of these other "going on's" haven't had much success though, the other night I managed one sucker, donated some tackle, and sold a bunch of flies at the river. Also got out on the AuSable below Alcona dam one morning with my dad for a little while a couple sundays ago, but the river was high, fast and dirty, no luck, but always nice to be home nonetheless. I did however snap some cool pics of the Ausable while i was up a couple weeks ago at Five channels, Alcona and Foote site, enjoy...

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