Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Last weekend's run...

Well, my weekends aren't what everyone else's weekends are anymore, mine consist of wednesdays and thursdays. I'm still definately not used to it, but I took advantage of it last week to shoot up for my own "opener" although a few days later than everyone else's, it was still a great one. no enough time as always, but I just could not get the flyrod out of my hand, I had to fish, and throw flies at that. The whole time was spent chasin trout with my father, who says he sucks at this whole fly fishing thing, but he really enjoys it. I want for him to get better at it, as it would be something that I introduced him into, and primarily taught him how to do, it would mean a lot to me since the old codger has taught me so much in life. I did manage to restore his old lami-glass rod he wanted done, new guides, tip-top, hook keeper, guide wraps, everything, bleached the cork so that it all looks like a brand new rod. hopefully he's happy with it, and manages some fish with it.

We mainly fished at Alcona dam area, mostly because it's close, and more often than not, we can pull fish out of there. I was able to try my new Reddington 4wt out finally, I had been dying to use it, and man does that thing fish nice, spooled it up with some double taper floating line, and I can roll some of the tightest loops with that thing. Caught a handful of small rainbows the first night and next morning right below Alcona, the first night was a little harder to catch fish amidst the massive midge hatch that I was standing in the middle of. later the next morning we tried near 4001, where we had no luck what so ever. Then ended up in Mio, top of the trophy water right below the boat launch, bwo's got a couple rises, but Bob Linsenman himself recomended a setup to me that as he said "would knock the livin dicks right off them buggers" so I ran a bead head hare's ear nymph about a foot underneath my Hendrickson spinner, a setup that I've used before, and had considered erlier in the day, but lacked confidence in the choice. anyways, he was right, I managed a few rises on the hennie, but when i didn't have a hit there, it was shooting underneath the surface with a trout affixed to the hare's ear.

I never managed anything of real size, but did score a couple rainbows in the keeper range, and rolled something big over below Alcona that appeared to be a large brown, but it broke me before I knew it. That night we ended back up alcona, hennies were all that produced for me and it was only a few at that. I had to get up and be back home early friday morning or I would've stayed longer. Was able to see grampa while I was up there, which made the both of us feel good, I'm so glad to see he's doing better, looking at hime now, you wouldn't be able to tell that he was the guy none of us were really sure whether or not was gonna make it. He jsut needs to get his strength back, he's back to his old self as far as I can see, but still got a ways to go.

Yeah, say what you want, I though the flowers looked cool growing how and where they were. I'm heading up the westside of the state in the am(should be in bed now) to work on the bogger before this weekends race, but while i'm up there, I plan on squeezing in a little time on the river, either belowe tippy chasing browns or chromers, or belowe hodenpyl going after browns and bows. Either way, as long as my rod is getting wet, i'm a happy fella.

tight lines!

hendricksons, bwo's, midges, hare's ears are all producing right now, and march browns should start in some spots any day!

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