Saturday, May 16, 2009

Report from Tippy...

I was able to get upnorth on my last weekend like I said I was going to. I was up in Mesick making sure the truck would be ready for last saturdays race. Well, there wasn't too much work needing to be done to it, so ofcourse I took it upon myself to go wet a line. i went to Tippy dam wednesday night, fished from about 5pm until dark. There were definately still alot of fish in the system, if we had half as good a steely run on the Huron as they do on the Manistee, we'd be alright. Anyways, seen alot of fish on the redds still. Only landed one out of the three that I hooked into, bout a 7lb male, put up one hell of a nice fight, caught him under a double fly setup, he had that Hare's ear burried right in the corner of his mouth. An older fellow fishing near me landed him for me. Unfortunately the fish managed to release himself sooner than I had planned by growing a set of legs while I was fumbling for the camera, so no pics to be had of that one, sorry. The other three hookups I had, one broke me off, and the other just let go, all three on different flies however. Along with the three steely hookups, I probably caught 20 or so dink browns and rainbows, it seemed everytime I would let my line straighten out below me, I had one on. Kind of annyoing, yet fun at the same time. I went back Thursday morning before having to head home, and didn't have any action other than seeing more fish in the area where I had fished the night before, and the 6 or so foot long sturgeon that swam about 5 yards in front of me making his or her way upstream to do their thing. pretty cool thing to see, having never seen one before.

Hope to get back up sometime soon, but who knows how finances are going to be.
good luck out there, tight lines!

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