Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial weekend

Well, it was originally planned this weekend that I would be stuck working, but Friday, they informed me that I could have saturday off. So obviously I rushed home, packed my gear and was up in Mesick around 11pm. Hung out for a little while, went to bed with my love. got up around 5:30 and headed down below Hodenpyl, fished for a couple hours, only managed to roll one medium size brown, and caught a handful of small brownie plants.

Saturday evening I fished the Betsie at an undisclosed location (hint: somewheres in Benzie county) Anyways caught a whole bunch of small rainbow plants, including one double catch on a hennie and a hare's ear. the topper of the evening was when I rounded a bend, and seen two monsters laying on the gravel bed ahead of me, first couple drifts didn't accomplish anything, but then I threw a prince nymph underneath my hennie, and WHAM! he was on, for about 30 seconds atleast, shot accross the gravel bed, and downstream into a log jam, wrapped me right up and broke me off. oh well, he probably would've been released anyways, I'd guess he went 24"-28" so it would've definately been a nice catch.

Didn't really have time to mess with the camera, but I did snap a couple of the manistee that I'll post later on. Not really sure when I'll be able to get back out again, but I'll be sure to post about it. Until then, good luck!

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