Sunday, May 17, 2009

Upper Huron river...

Well, I wanted to get out and fish the other day, Andy was supposed to go, but decided not to due to the extreme wind we were dealing with all day. So I was gonna go it alone and give it a shot, but Mikey asked if he could go, having never fly fished before, I grabbed the backup rod and took him out in front of the house, and showed him the basics really quick, told him to keep practicing while I grabbed all the gear. We headed up there, and were there by 6pm. We got in the river and I had Mikey continue working on his casting while teaching him how to read the river and where to cast. I missed a couple rises to my hennie. I then threw a Hare's ear about a foot and a half below the hennie, which seems to be my "goto" anymore. once I did that I ended up landing two little gills and one beautifully colored 12 or so inch rainbow.
Mikey officially caught the smallest fish I've ever seen anyone catch, an emerald shiner about 2 inches long decided he wanted a size 24 bwo for dinner, it was funny to say the least. So like Mikey said, he can only go up from that little guy. He said he had a great time and wants to do it again, I was kinda nervous knowing how his leg still bothers him and what not, but he did great. I enjoyed taking someone new into the water and teaching him everything from the ground up, before the other day, he had never cast a fly.
The water was up from the recent rainfall, but still crystal clear up there. So there are still some fish in the area leftover from stocker fest, I hope to get back up there soon and hit it a little more. Fishing that stretch of the Huron feels like you're upnorth on a smaller trib of the AuSable or some other blue ribbon trout water, but it's not, there aren't as many fish in there, and you can here wayyy too much traffic nearby.
The bugs were definately poppin when we were there... bwo's, hennies, march browns, hare's ear nymphs... all good producers right now. Just get out there and wet a line! good luck! tight lines!

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