Sunday, October 4, 2009

Archery Opener

Archery opener started off colder than a well digger's ass, the fog didn't seem to lift until after 9 am which coincided with the ice finally dissipating from my tree stand. After that the deer began their morning moves. Seen around 9 or 10 deer total, nothing close enough to my stand though. Matt made a horrible miss on a nice mature doe that came in with the like. Also seen one 4pt making his way through the field closely following a doe, which I thought was a little early to be seeing.

The evening hunt turned out to be even less productive with nothing but yearlings, fawns(still with spots) and turkeys running around. My two bonuses of the day were when a fawn spotted me and became very curious as to what the heck I was, he came within a couple yards a few times trying to get me to move. Pretty much occupied both his and my time for the better part of an hour. The other bonus came when the turkeys that had been hanging around most of the day began trying to locate one another to re-group before dark. So when they started cluckin and chirping I did as well, ended up having 3 of them coming right up to me in my ground blind before they realized I wasn't one of the fellow turkeys they were trying to locate. All in all an excellent hunt. I won't get out again until this upcoming Wednesday probably when I head up to Mesick until Friday night, I'll be making some bow hunting and fishing reports from up there, once I'm there, hopefully successful ones at that.

good luck and tight lines!

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