Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This past week...

Starting from last Monday, Hit the Huron up for a few hours, no luck for me, heard of a couple having been caught here and there. Lots of shad in the system right now, went back last Thursday, had one fish on and had my spawn bag crushed 2 times.

Saturday I headed up to Glennie, hunted a piece of property Sunday morning with no luck, hung up a stand on a different piece of property, opted out of the evening hunt in order to go fishing with my cousin Kevin and friend Ryan. Hit the mouth of the Tawas for a bit with no luck and an apparant slow bite for everyone else. After that we went and fished the south pier at the mouth of the AuSable for a couple hours, the wind was whippin and waves were crashin, packed it up and headed back to the Tawas for a bit, I had a couple hits with no takers, did see a few walleye caught though. Hunted Sunday morning during the pouring rain, seen nothing but a rabbit. Decided to hit one of my favorite lower AuSable spots for Monday evening. Still some fresher looking kings swimming around and even more not so fresh lookin ones. Kevin hooked up with one nice male and missed a few more while throwing a T-stick. Other than that I only had a couple hits while targetting steel.

Might get back up to the west side this upcoming weekend, really hoping to do so atleast, have some wedding stuff I need to look into while in the area and would really like to get back out on the Manistee with Craig again to get into some chromers.

First day back at work yesterday... The man, the legend... Gordie Howe came through again, had the opportunity to talk fishing with him for a few (for those who don't know, Mr. Hockey is an avid fisherman) He had just came back from North West Washington where he and some friends and family were up fishing the King Salmon run, he pretty much bragged about how big they were out there compared to the fish we have here, talking about pulling in fish between 35 and 50lbs. If I had been thinking I would've slipped him one of my business cards and told him to call me next time he wants to do some fishing here...

Anyways, might get out this week again on the Huron but doubtful, really hoping for a trip up to the west side. Good luck and Tight lines!

17 days and a wake up until DEER CAMP 2009!

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