Monday, October 12, 2009

Report from 10/7-10/10

Headed up early wednesday morning, arrived at the property in Mesick around noon, unloaded all un-neccesary gear and head for the river. Started off at Sawdust hole, walk fished most of the way down to Tunk hole just to get away from people, seen to steelhead swimming but couldn't hook up with any. Had a couple hookups with some kings while targetting steel so the fights didn't last long before they broke the 6lb test p-line. I switched over to throwin plugs, casting them and sweeping through an active redd. That method produced a couple hook-ups as well, with one being landed, nice hen about 16lbs. She was a little too white-tailed for my liking so she went back in to finish her business. Called it quits on Wed around 3:30 went back to camp and bowhunted the evening, didn't see a thing while in the woods though.

Thursday started off with me fishing near the baot ramp at Tippy for a little while before Craig showed up with the drift boat. We got started off in a couple spots just down from the dam. The a couple salmon hook ups were had before Craig landed this beautiful full color brownie, went right about 20".

After a few more salmon hookups I switched over to throwing hardware for them again. We drifted down to the bottom of Tunk hole where I took this good hen that went 20lbs.

After a couple more king hookups and seeing one steely caught just up from tunk we headed back up stream towards where we first started off. We weren't there long before Craig laid into and landed this early fall chromer. Definately a beautiful fish!
After that we fished for a little while longer before calling it quits for the day. An awesome full day float where some good fish and some good memories were made. Went back to camp and hunted the evening with Gary, niether of us seen anything.
Friday morning put me below Homestead dam on the Betsie, got there early when it was still relatively uncrowded, and made my way down to one of my favorite spots. I started off throwing flies, a nuke egg about 2.5' above a size 8 stone fly nymph. First I took a beautiful bright silver small hen king, she had to be only 6-8lbs, too pretty to keep, So I let her go in hopes she was lost this year and will make her way back next year with some size. After that I took out this nice hen, bout the same size as the one from the day before, but was nice bringing in on the fly.
After that the bite seemed to slow down so I went to thrownin hardware again, ended up pulling this nice male off the redd on the first cast with a silver and black jr thunderstick, a little beat up, but good enough for the smoker.

After that I fished for a little while longer with hardware before hanging it up for the day, I watched a nice king throat my t-stick 3 times before I hooked up with an even nicer king, this thing crushed it and the fight was on! I had it on for about 7 minutes and ended up a hundred yards down stream, this fish had to go 35+! people seen it and were getting out of my way, I heard things like "don't lose that fish!" "get out of his way" and "holy shit" as I went. I got the fish up closer to me to shore to try and beach it, but it took off for another run, before I could loosen the drag it was gone! It didn't bend open the swivel, it didn't break my knot or my line, this thing broke the swivel in half! I reeled in my line and found the barrel end of the swivel still attached, stared in amazement before I retied and made a couple stops on my way out to the truck after that. Once again I made my way back to camp and hunted the evening to not see a single thing other than red squirrels.
Fished for a little bit for steel Saturday morning but with no luck. I packed it up early and headed for a low traffic area of the Betsie in hopes of getting away from the continually growing crowds. Stopped at an unmentionable spot on the Betsie, managed to hook up with one king that ended up shaking off right near the shore. Also seen some steel there, hooked up and landed one 24" chromer that was promptly released for a future fight once he gains a little more weight.
The weather turned to crap once I got back to camp so I ended up taking care of some stuff I needed to get done, packed up and headed home. So here I am until next time I can get out for myself or get some clients lined up for walk-in steel head fishing.
The salmon action is definately slowing down on the two rivers I fished and the steel action is at it's very beginning, should be GAME ON! in 2-3 weeks.
Good luck and Tight lines!

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