Thursday, January 15, 2009


Got out on the ice this morning right before 8am, got set up in a spot where I seen a fellow catching fish the other day. Was able to try out my new rod holders I made the other night, and they worked amazingly well in my opinion, they do everything I need and want them to do. anyways I sat down and bam, right of the bat, caught one, unhooked it, and the other rod was getting a hit, yanked up, brought in another one. This went on for about 20 minutes and then it just shut right off?!?!?! no idea why, but it definately pissed me off.

I met Jay from mi sportsman forum this morning, he showed up about 8:30(right after they stopped biting), i got one more bite while in that spot, we fished there for a little while longer, then went and tried a few other spots before eventually going back to where I started off.

I missed a nibble or two including one that hung on right up to the hole, and Jay ended up hooking and getting one on the ice, so atleast he didn't get skunked. I ended up hooking and landing 7 perch total this morning, felt good to finally catch some keepers, they surely aren't jumbo's but they will most definately eat the same. minnows were the ticket when there was action.

It was below zero when I got out there today, wind chill was -16, Although i didnt take the shanty, I never got cold, it's all in the gear, gotta be prepared. doubt i'll get out again til next week, maybe sunday, but im not planning on it, tuesday however, levi and i will be hitting the same ice i was on this morning.

good luck, stay warm!

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