Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday afternoon fishing...

Managed to get down to carleton this afternoon to get out on the ice. Dave his dad and myself were the only ones who went. didn't get down there until about 4pm, and only fished til dark,about an hour and a half. caught fish right from the time we got there til the time we left, I ended up landing 17 small gills, Dave and his dad caught some fish as well. Once again, waxies were the trick, minnows under the tip-up never even produced a false flag today. Might get out somewhere tomorrow morning, but i'm not sure yet, definately will be out tuesday morning though, levi wants to get out, so hopefully i can put him in some fish. Sorry, no pictures from today.

Been tending the same minnows for a week now, pretty suprising. I have them out on the back porch, it's insulated out there, but not heated, so ice still forms on the water surface of the cut down 55gal drum i have them stored in. I've just been going out there and knockin the ice loose, scoopin it all out, and dumping in a fresh gallon or two a day, I keep a plug in fish tank aeorator going in it constantly, and knock on wood, I have not lost a single minnow yet other than ones that I had hooked for fishing and then threw back in the bucket when done. it takes some work to keep them living for so long, but it's better and cheaper than buying more every time I go out.

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